Before you resign yourself to buying a brand new machine, consider the possibility of a repair laptop screen fix. In many cases, the repair of laptop screen, like a broken screen, is a hardware issue that can be addressed by a qualified technician, potentially saving you hundreds of dollars compared to a full laptop replacement.

But is a repair laptop screen service the right call for you? Let’s delve into the factors to consider before making a decision.

Interested to see the average cost of repairing a laptop screen right away?

Should You Repair Your Laptop Screen?

repair of laptop screen: should you repair your laptop screen?

A broken laptop screen can be a major inconvenience, but before you buy a new one, consider getting it repaired by yourself or a laptop repair expert. Here’s a breakdown to help you decide:

Assessing Your Laptop Screen Damage

The first step is to understand the extent of the damage to your laptop screen. Is there a large crack resembling a spiderweb? Perhaps you’ve got pesky dead pixels like tiny black dots permanently stuck on the screen. Or maybe the entire screen flickers uncontrollably, making it difficult to use – not ideal for catching up on your favourite shows! Knowing the specific issue will help determine the best repair approach.

Repair Considerations in Singapore

Getting things fixed in Singapore can be quite affordable, which is good news for your wallet. Repair shops like RepairX can usually assist you with screen replacements, typically ranging from SGD $195 for non-touch Windows laptops to SGD $995 for high-end MacBooks. It’s definitely recommended to get quotes from several shops before making a decision to ensure you’re getting the best price.

Another factor to consider is your warranty. Check if your laptop warranty covers screen damage. Some brands, like Apple, offer “accidental damage protection” plans that might cover screen repairs. This could save you a significant amount of money. Additionally, many repair shops in Singapore, such as Pronto Arigato, even offer same-day service, minimizing downtime. This can be particularly beneficial if you rely on your laptop for work or school.

Weighing Repair vs. Buying a New Laptop

Now comes the key question: repair or buy a new laptop? If your laptop is relatively new (less than 3 years old) and functions well aside from the screen issue, then repairing it could be the most cost-effective solution. However, if the damage is severe and significantly affects usability, then a new laptop might be a better choice.

Think about it this way: repairing your screen can save you a significant amount of money, especially considering that electronics in Singapore can be expensive. Additionally, you’ll be doing your part for the environment by extending the life of your laptop and reducing e-waste. Let’s not forget the convenience factor – you won’t have to go through the hassle of transferring all your data and settings to a new machine.

Alternatives to Repair

Of course, there are always other options. If the screen damage is mild, you could connect your laptop to an external monitor for a more comfortable viewing experience. Alternatively, if the repair costs are close to the price of a brand-new laptop with better features, then upgrading might be a good option.

If you are looking to repair your screen by yourself, you could check out iFixit to find the parts you need. They even offer guides for some device repair procedures other than laptop screen repairs.

Before Sending Your Laptop Screen for Repair

repair of laptop screen: before sending it for repair

If you suspect a software problem and not physical damage, don’t despair! Before sending your laptop to a professional for screen problems, here are some things you can try yourself:

1. Restart Your Laptop

A simple restart can often resolve temporary glitches causing screen problems. Sometimes, all your laptop needs is a quick refresh! Think of it like giving your computer a chance to reboot and clear its memory. Just like a good night’s sleep can sometimes fix everything, a restart can do wonders for your laptop, too.

2. Update Display Drivers

Outdated display drivers might be the culprit behind flickering or display issues. Update them through your operating system’s settings or the manufacturer’s website. Think of it like giving your laptop a software tune-up. Updated drivers can help your hardware function smoothly, just like having the latest software on your phone keeps things running efficiently.

3. Adjust Screen Settings

Incorrect brightness and resolution settings can sometimes cause display problems. Try adjusting them to see if it makes a difference. Who knows, maybe your screen settings just need a little tweaking to get things back to normal. Play around with the settings and see if you can find the sweet spot for your eyes.

4. Connect an External Monitor

If your laptop displays perfectly on an external monitor, the problem likely lies with the laptop screen itself and might require repair. Think of it as an elimination test to see if the issue is with the screen or something else entirely. Plug in an external monitor and see if the problem persists.

5. Check for Conflicting Software

Recently installed software might be causing conflicts with your display drivers. Try uninstalling any programs you added recently and see if it resolves the issue. Sometimes, new software can cause hiccups, so it’s worth checking if anything you recently installed might be the culprit. If you can’t remember exactly what you installed lately, try uninstalling programs one by one and see if the screen issue gets resolved.

By trying these troubleshooting steps first, you might be able to fix the screen problem yourself and save yourself a trip to the repair shop. However, if the problem persists after trying these steps, or if you see any visible physical damage like cracks or dead pixels, it’s best to consult a professional for a proper diagnosis and repair.

Repair or Software Fix? Here’s the Lowdown

If the problem persists after trying these troubleshooting steps, or if you have any visible physical damage, it’s best to consult a professional repair shop. They can diagnose the issue and determine if a screen replacement is necessary. Don’t be shy to ask them questions – a good repair shop will explain everything clearly and give you an idea of the repair costs involved.

Signs Your Screen Needs a Repair Expert

Sometimes, the damage to your laptop screen is clear-cut and requires a visit to a repair shop. Here’s what to look out for:

Cracked Screen

cracked laptop screen
Cracked Screen

This one’s pretty obvious. Got a big crack that looks like someone played a spiderweb game on your screen? Yeah, that’s physical damage, and a replacement screen is your only solution. There’s no software fix for a shattered screen, unfortunately.

Dead Pixels

dead pixel on laptop screen
Source: Dead Pixel

Tiny black dots permanently stuck on the screen like mini coffee stains? Those are dead pixels, and unfortunately, they mean your screen needs to be replaced. No amount of software magic can bring those pixels back to life.

Screen Flickers

screen flickers on laptop screen
Source: Screen Flickers

The entire screen flickers uncontrollably, making it impossible to watch Ah Boys To Men in peace? This suggests a hardware problem with the display, and a repair shop visit is your best bet. A flickering screen is not only annoying, but it can also cause eye strain. Don’t put up with it – get it fixed!

Colour Inconsistency

colour inconsistency on laptop screen
Source: Colour Inconsistency

The screen displays inconsistent colours, like a weird yellow tint or uneven brightness across the display? This points towards physical damage to the screen itself. Maybe you accidentally knocked over your kopi and some spilled onto the screen? Whatever the cause, a repair shop can assess the damage and recommend the best course of action.

How Much to Fix Your Laptop Screen in Singapore?

Getting your laptop screen repaired in Singapore can be way cheaper than buying a whole new machine. Here’s the lowdown on how much it might cost to fix some common screen problems:

Just remember, these are estimates. The actual price can change depending on a few things:

  • Brand and Model: Replacement screens for some less common laptop brands can cost a bit more. Like finding that perfect pair of shoes in a smaller boutique, lah.
  • Screen Type: Fancy high-resolution screens or touchscreens will generally cost more to replace. Think of it like paying extra for the bells and whistles.
  • Repair Shop: Prices can differ between different shops. So don’t anyhow pick the first one you see – get quotes from a few places before you decide!

Okay, so here’s a cheat sheet for some common screen problems and the estimated repair costs in Singapore:

Screen ProblemEstimated Repair Cost (SGD)
Cracked Screen$150 – $350
Dead Pixels$195 – $395
Flickering Screen$150 – $350
Colour Chaos$195 – $595
Backlight Blues$150 – $350

Some other things to keep in mind:

  • Labour Cost: Some repair shops might have additional labour charges on top of the screen replacement price. Just like when you buy furniture, and they charge extra for delivery. Make sure you ask about the total cost upfront so there are no surprises.
  • Warranty: Reliable repair shops will usually offer a warranty on their work. So make sure you ask about the terms and conditions before they start fixing your laptop. You wouldn’t buy a new phone without a warranty, right?

Benefits of Repairing Your Laptop Screen


Repairs are generally cheaper than buying a brand-new laptop, especially in Singapore, where electronics can be expensive. Save some moolah and keep your wallet happy! By repairing your screen, you’re saving money compared to buying a whole new laptop.

Reduce Electronic Waste

Reduces electronic waste (e-waste) by extending the life of your laptop. Be kind to the environment and avoid adding to landfills by repairing your existing machine. Repairing your screen is a more eco-friendly option than throwing away your laptop and buying a new one.

Convenience Factor

Keeps your existing data, software, and settings readily accessible, saving you the hassle of transferring everything to a new machine. No need to worry about losing important files or settings during the transition to a new laptop. This can be a real-time-saver, especially if you have a lot of data stored on your machine.

Making the Right Choice: Repair of Laptop Screen

Ultimately, the decision is yours. By understanding the extent of the damage, repair costs in Singapore, and the overall condition of your laptop, you can make an informed choice. Remember, reputable repair shops can offer valuable insights and quotes specific to your situation. So, don’t hesitate to gather information and hopefully get your laptop back in top shape!